Liturgical Ministries

Get involved by contacting Mary Beth Jambor at 651-429-7771 or [email protected].

It takes more than 100 volunteers liturgical ministers to celebrate the weekend Masses. We can’t make it happen without your help.

Greeter: Be that kind face and warm greeter to visitors and parishioners alike. Welcome everyone at the door before Masses to create an atmosphere of hospitality.

Usher: Help congregants find seats, answer questions and pass baskets at the collection of the gifts.

Lector: Proclaim the Word with reverence and love.

Gift Bearers: Bring the gifts of bread and wine to the altar. Families are encouraged to do this together.

Eucharistic Ministers: Reverently distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly.

Mass Coordinator: Pave the way for a joyous celebration of the Mass by ensuring all ministry positions are filled and all elements of the Mass are prepared.

Altar Servers: Assist Father during the Mass. Students grades 4-and above.

Sacristan (roadie): Make sure all details are in place for Mass to be celebrated. Ages 14-above.

Projection System Operator: Share our liturgy on the big screen so that all can fully participate in the Mass. Grade 8-adult.

Video Broadcast System Operator: Broadcast the Mass to other areas of the building and stream it to our parish YouTube site so that homebound parishioners can remain engaged in the parish.

Laundry Committee: Provide clean linens for sacramental ministries. Pick up and launder at home.

Brass Cleaner: Put a shine on our doors! Polish brass handles regularly.

Church Environment Committee: Create a plan for the worship environment that supports our celebrations of the liturgical year.

Church Decorating Team: Adorn the church and decorate throughout the liturgical year, about eight time a year.

Funeral Liturgy Ministers: Coordinate Funeral Masses and serve as liturgical ministers as needed. 

Sacraments, Worship and Music Committee: This committee works to strengthen and support the total prayer life of the parish.

Ministers of Welcome: Provide welcome and hospitality to new and existing parishioners and those inquiring about joining the parish at the Welcome Center and Hospitality Sundays.