Forms & Flyers
Faith Formation Registration and Information
New Families Registration Form 2020-2021 (For families who were not in our Faith Formation program last year)
Event Forms
Middle School Riverboat Dance – Join local churches as we cruise down the Mississippi River and dance the night away. Early October.
Nickelodeon Universe – On Martin Luther King Day, enjoy your day off school with friends, spinning, twisting and going up and down.
Winter Blast – Stay up all night, swimming, skating, winning prizes, dancing and so much more!!! Friday night to Saturday morning, Mid-December.
Wild Mountain Ski/Snowboard Trip – On President’s Day, spend your day off hitting the slopes or relaxing in the chalet.
Valleyfair – White Bear Area Churches sponsor a day trip to Valleyfair for all youth who have completed grades 6-12. Thursday, Mid-July.