Catholic Young Adults

Join St. Mary of the Lake Young Adult Ministry and Care for Creation Ministry for two events focusing on ethical fashion and how our clothing choices relate to Catholic Social Teaching. 


Friday, February 28, 6:30– 8:00 PM

Ethical Fashion Webinar: What Clothing Consumption has to do with Catholic Social Teaching

Featuring Guest Speakers, Dr. Bernard Brady & Mary Harper

Learn more about how Catholic Social Teaching relates to clothing and how we can work towards the common good through what we wear. Dr. Bernard Brady from the University of St. Thomas will offer an overview of the common good, rooted in human dignity, and explain what Catholic Social Teaching is. Mary Harper of Liturgical Style will share experiences in the fashion industry and tips and tricks for making more ethical choices. All ages are welcome to this free event; it is most appropriate for high school and above. Upon registering, you will be emailed a link with details on how to log into the webinar the night of the event. If you cannot make the live webinar, please register to have a replay link emailed to you.

Young Adult Clothing Swap

Saturday, March 8 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM in Kohler Hall, Parish Life Center

Live out practicing ethical and sustainable fashion!Young adults ages 21-39 are invited to join us for the second part in this series: a Young Adult Clothing Swap. Follow these steps to participate:

  1. Attend the webinar on February 28th (optional but encouraged).
  2. Prayerfully purge your closet of men’s and women’s clothing, shoes and accessories (no kid’s or baby items, please).
  3. Drop off your items in exchange for a ticket to “shop the swap.” See drop off times below
  4. Bring your ticket to the Parish Life Center between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM on Saturday, March 8 to find some new to you treasures. Fitting rooms and free refreshments will be available.

Clothing Swap Item Drop Off Times

Dropping off your clothes for the swap makes it easier for you the day of the event and helps us sort and organize beforehand. When you bring your items, you’ll receive a ticket to “shop the swap.” That ticket will be your admission to enter and shop on March 8.

  • March 1 & 2 before and after Masses at the church (Masses are 5:00 PM Saturday, 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM Sunday)
  • March 5 at the Parish Life Center by appointment only Book your Appointment
  • March 7 from 4:00–7:00 PM at the Parish Life Center
  • If you are unable to make these times you are welcome to bring your clothing the day of the event to swap.

Please only drop off clothing if you intend to participate in the swap. Those looking to simply donate old clothes are encouraged to wait for the parish rummage sale or explore textile donation.

Adult volunteers of all ages are needed to help set up on the evening of March 7 and help run the swap on March 8. Contact Michelle Boris ([email protected]) or Kathryn Lein ([email protected]) for details.

Join a Small Group

Small groups are a helpful way to grow in faith and support each other on the discipleship journey.  Form your own or find an existing group to join. Small groups are at the heart of Mission at St Mary’s—join today!

Moms of Young Children Small Group: If you’re a mom of a child(ren) from newborn through elementary school and looking to connect with other moms walking through the same season as you, we invite you to join the Moms of Young Children small group. We meet most Sundays between the 9 and 11 am Masses in the Bride’s room. This is a time for you to connect with other moms while growing in faith together. If child care is needed the nursery is staffed between Masses-we just ask that you give us a heads up so the nursery staff can prepare. We look forward to meeting you! Contact Small Group Leader Elise Marcella ([email protected]) or Coordinator of Young Adult Ministries Michelle Boris ([email protected]) for more information or how to create your own young adult small group.

Contact Michelle Boris, Coordinator of Young Adult Ministries at [email protected]

Catholic Young Adults Volunteer Opportunities

For Young Adults: St. Mary’s Catholic Young Adults strive to connect young people (ages 18-39) to God on a deeper level, connect them to each other, and connect them to the larger community.

Event Core Team: Help execute monthly social, sacramental, or service events. Bring your talents to areas like advertising/marketing, hospitality, emcee/hosting, set-up, clean-up and any other duties required to ensure the events run smoothly from inception to end.

Catholic Young Adults Advisory Panel: Young adults on this panel are leaders shaping the direction for young adult ministry at the parish. Form the mission, vision, and purpose statements and create, assess, and adapt short- and long-term young adult ministry goals. Commit to helping run programming and events hosted by the CYA group.

Small Group Leader: Facilitate a small group for a community of peers. Grow in faith alongside others in a similar life situation. Help select studies, lead discussions, and coordinate logistics like group meeting time and location.

Stay Connected!

Questions about high school youth ministry? Please contact Coordinator of Young Adult Ministries, Michelle Boris at [email protected] or (651) 429-7771, Option 1.

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