St. Mary’s Communication and Updates to COVID-19

Latest St. Mary of the Lake Mass Information 4/8/22

As of Friday, April 1, the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis is rescinding all pandemic restrictions for liturgical celebrations.
  • MASKS: No longer required.
  • BAPTISMAL FONT: Our font is being repaired after sitting empty and will be ready for use by Easter.
  • BLOOD OF CHRIST: The Archdiocese no longer discourages drinking from a common chalice. We plan to reinstate this practice in June.
  • LIVESTREAM: We will continue to livestream one of the Masses every weekend.
  • For the foreseeable future, we will have weekend Masses on Saturday at 5:00 PM and Sunday at 9:00 and 11:00 AM.

Preventative Measures 

As we all work to be healthy, it is important to remember to take these precautions:

  • Wear a mask if you are unvaccinated
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water
  • Avoid close contact
  • Stay home if you are sick
  • Cover coughs and sneezes


St. Mary’s Covid Preparedness Plans

UPDATE 5/25/2021

Mass Information
As of May 28, 2021, there are no longer any social distancing rules indoors. So, there are no more sign-ups for Mass! However, at St. Mary’s, we are still wearing masks at weekend Masses through the end of June, so we can keep our unvaccinated children safe and so that we can sing. For the foreseeable future, we will have weekend Masses on Saturday at 5:00 PM and Sunday at 9:00 and 11:00 AM. Saturday Mass will continued to be livestreamed and can be viewed HERE.

Weekend Masses

There are no longer seating restrictions at Mass. However, through June 30, wearing masks is still required at weekend Masses, funerals, and weddings. When weather permits, you may sit outside and listen to Mass at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM and Communion will be brought to you. Masks are not required outside.

Church Collection

In compliance with the directives of the archdiocese, we will not be passing baskets during Masses until after June 30, 2021. In the meantime, please continue online giving or giving by check through the mail. You may want to consider this way of support even after you come back to Mass in person! Or, for right now at church, look in the Gathering Space for a collection box or basket.

May 20, 2020: Update from Archbishop Hebda

May 15, 2020: COVID Mass Update from Archbishop HebdaVideo Update from Archbishop Hebda on Public Masses

May 1, 2020: COVID-19 Mass Update from Archbishop Hebda

Be sure to check-out the Archdiocese’s YouTube channel for regular videos from Archbishop Hebda and Bishop Cozzens. On the site is the Stations of the Cross with Archbishop Hebda.

April 17, 2020: COVID 19 Update from Archbishop Hebda

March 21, 2020: Confessions with Fr. Talbot

March 19, 2020: St. Joseph Day Message from Fr. Talbot

March 18, 2020: Message from Fr. TalbotLetter of Archbishop Hebda suspending public Masses in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.

March 13, 2020: St. Mary of the Lake Communication

Adoration and Reconciliation Instructions

Indulgences during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Coronavirus Indulgence Handout
Plenary Indulgence Information
Decree – Indulgences