Rosary Maker Ministry

Spread the joy of the rosary through making and repairing rosaries that are shared with those in the St. Mary’s community and beyond. No experience needed. Meets monthly September - May. Call Kathleen Finn with any questions, 651-429-7771, option 1.

CYA Clothing Swap

Parish Life Center 4690 Bald Eagle Avenue, White Bear Lake, MN, United States

Saturday, March 8 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM in Kohler Hall, Parish Life Center Live out practicing ethical and sustainable fashion! Young adults ages 21-39are invited to join us for the second part in our ethical fashion and Catholic Social Teaching series: a Young Adult Clothing Swap where we’ll exchange gently used items with […]

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Provide comfort to those in need by knitting and/or crocheting prayer shawls. All levels welcome. Meets monthly September - May.  Call Kathleen Finn with any questions, 651-429-7771, option 1.


Church 4741 Bald Eagle Ave., White Bear Lake, MN, United States

Taizé is prayer using music and scripture to open our hearts and minds to contemplation and quiet reflection.  Founded in the last century in the small French village of Taizé, this prayer form has found its way across the globe.  The repetition of simple musical phrases, drawn from the psalms and liturgical texts, invites us to […]

Wednesday BLAST

Join our Middle School Youth Ministry, March 19 for Wednesday BLAST! It's Comfy Cozy Cinema and we will be watching “How to Train Your Dragon”! 

Parish Lenten Mission

“Lost, Found, Saved, Sent: Discovering Jesus in Prayer & the Eucharist” Led by Susan Windley-Daoust, founder of the Mark 5:19 Project March 26-27, 2025 (in the evenings) Join us in a two-day mission to inspire, equip, and renew our hearts this Lenten season. We will learn how to deepen the fire of discipleship and establish […]

Rosary Maker Ministry

Spread the joy of the rosary through making and repairing rosaries that are shared with those in the St. Mary’s community and beyond. No experience needed. Meets monthly September - May. Call Kathleen Finn with any questions, 651-429-7771, option 1.

Prayer at Planned Parenthood

Lent is right around the corner, and we have a dedicated 40 Days for Life Day of Prayer scheduled for the NE Metro Catholic Churches (St. Pius X, St. Mary of the Lake, St. Jude of the Lake, and St. Michael/St. Mary/St. Charles in Stillwater.) This Lent, it will be Thursday, April 3, 6:00 AM—6:00 PM on the sidewalk […]