Catholic Heart Workcamp Summer Mission Trip 2025
Registration is now open! Space is limited. Reserve your spot today!
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Fused Volunteer Opportunities
View volunteer requirements HERE
Prayer Partners: All parishioners are welcomed to join in youth and young adult ministry through prayer. Dedicate a holy hour, pray a rosary, offer a mass, or just say a brief prayer of intercession for the young and young adults of the parish and those ministering to them. No need to sign up, but you can let us know if you plan to join in this partnership of prayer.
For High School: FUSED Youth Ministry exists to connect, excite, and educate, teens in the Catholic faith through a variety of opportunities. All volunteers working with minors must be Safe Environment certified (training provided).
FUSED Advisory Panel Member: High school youth and adult leaders on this panel shape the direction for youth ministry at the parish. Form the mission, vision, and purpose statements for youth ministry, and create, assess, and adapt short- and long-term youth ministry goals.
Youth Group Core Team: Help run FUSED Wednesday Community Nights twice a month. In addition to serving as a role model and serving in a relational ministry, you will help lead service opportunities, games, prayer experiences, and talks on different elements of our Catholic faith for teens.
Discipleship Group Leader: Serve as a role model in the Christian life. Co-lead a small group of four to eight teens in a small group format. Facilitate discussions, practice listening, and mentor teenagers in living out the faith in daily life.
Event/Mission Trip Chaperone (21+): Become Safe Environment Certified to join FUSED youth on various on-off events throughout the year like service projects or fun outings, youth masses, or on longer trips like the summer mission trip. Chaperones can also become certified to serve as drivers.
High school youth are a blessing to any parish community and St. Mary’s strives to include high school youth in every aspect of parish life.
Fused High School Ministry encompasses all ministries designed to bring high school youth closer to the love of God, bind them in a better relationship with Jesus and create a community among the youth. Be inspired by the latest Christian music, mission trips, and other exciting programs.
Discover more about yourself in a Small Group. Gather with friends old friends and make new ones in a comfortable place you choose and discuss your faith. What does it mean to grow in faith? How do I do that? What do we believe? Why do we believe it? Who is Jesus? Who or what is God? Discover answers to these questions together by reflecting on the Scriptures.
Have fun with your friends and meet new ones while helping those in need. Experience the rewards of supporting your community. Service Projects at St. Mary’s are varied and throughout the year. Serve at the Dorothy Day Center, visit residents at the Cerenity Car Center, serve at Feed My Starving Children, or be a small group leader for Summer BLAST.
Retreats and Social Events happen throughout the year – Concerts, Retreats, Ski Trips and more!
For events that are for both middle and high school youth, view here.
Upcoming Events & Service Opportunities
Stay Connected!
Questions about high school youth ministry? Please contact Coordinator of Young Adult Ministries, Michelle Boris at [email protected] or (651) 429-7771, Option 1.
Stay up-to-date and never miss a FUSED event by joining us on Flocknote. Choose text or email reminders or both!
Follow us on Instagram @stmaryswblfused
Sacramental Preparation
Preparation for the Sacraments is separate from our four Faith Formation programs. Learn more about the Sacraments Here.