We are Called to Serve
Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God. Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done. The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor. (Proverbs 22:9)
Our Mission
We embrace the Catholic church’s commitment to serve as Christ’s missionary disciples through acts of mercy, compassion and generosity to the underprivileged in Haiti.
We respect and embrace the dignity of the Haitian people and culture by listening and responding to their educational needs and by fostering relationships with organizations that focus on supporting Haitian education, opportunity, and self-sufficiency.
Our Values
We support the education and nutritional needs of students who attend the Cecelia Duffy Memorial school in Marfranc, Haiti as well as the sisters who support the needs of the students and the school.
History of Haiti Mission
In the fall of 2014, parishioners of St. Mary of the Lake partnered with Reiser Relief to offer assistance and hope to the people of Haiti in the form of financial aid, prayerful support, and also in personal presence.
Between 2014 and 2019, parishioners joined Father Talbot in traveling to Haiti, meeting the Haitian people, fostering relationships, listening to their struggles, celebrating their joys, and responding to their needs.
St. Mary’s has focused its support and resources on the village of Marfranc, located in western Haiti, by building and later expanding the Cecelia Duffy Memorial School. In addition, some of the items provided by St. Mary’s parish include the following:
- Teacher’s salaries
- A school lunch program
- Food for the sisters
- Books and supplies
- A well, latrines and a washing station
Learn More About the Relationships Between St. Mary’s and Marfranc
View Marfranc Relationships
- Cecelia Duffy Memorial School
- Led by Sister Evelyne – Little Sisters of Therese of the Infant Jesus
- 373 students, there are 3 kindergartens, and up to 5th grade
- Students get one meal a day
- Sisters get 2 meals a day
- Teachers get one meal a day
- Those that stay on the grounds get 2 meals a day
What is Reiser Relief and what is its role in St. Mary’s mission?
- Founded by Father Bernard Reiser
- 1949 – ordained and assigned to St. Mary’s
- 1969 – became founding pastor of Epiphany in Coon Rapids
- 1996 – travelled to Haiti and felt called to help; formed Reiser Relief
- Mission
- To partner with impactful organizations to empower and engage the people of Haiti in Christ’s name
- Values
- Education
- Care of the elderly and those with disabilities
- Job creation
- Provides experience, insight, and guidance to St. Mary’s
- Provides ongoing insight into Haitian organizations
- Provides avenues for partnered financial support to Haitian organizations
For more information, please contact Nathan Schuster, [email protected], 651-429-7771 option 1.
News & Updates
Haiti News
- President Jovenel Moise was assassinated on July 7, 2021 leading to chronic political and societal instability
- Former Haitian Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, stepped down from his unelected position in March 2024 as the country descended into a deeper state of violence and chaos
- This instability has contributed to rising food prices, a surge in hunger, dangerous cholera outbreaks, deepening poverty, a collapsing healthcare system, and the potential for a major migration exodus
- Haiti’s police, customs, and coast guard agencies are under-resourced and therefore unable to provide adequate security to the Haitian people
- In April 2024, a transitional presidential council was installed and a prime minister was chosen to work on establishing a stable new government amid violence.
- In June 2024, a Kenya-led international force was deployed to Haiti to assist with restoring order.
- In early January 2025, 75 Guatemalan and 8 El Salvadoran officers arrived in Haiti to reinforce the Multinational Security Support mission – a US and United Nations-backed initiative working with the Haitian police to restore security in the country.
St. Mary of the Lake Projects
- St. Mary’s has organized a group of parishioners to sew cloth diapers for sick and dying babies in Haiti. Check out the cloth diapers that were recently completed. Approximately 150 diapers are being sent to Haiti! Thank you to our parishioners who sewed them!
First Communion 2024
- Here are a few photos of the children who received their First Communion in Marfranc earlier this summer 2024.
- What a blessing! Thank you for your prayers..
- Pray for the students, teachers, and Sisters of the Cecelia Duffy Memorial School in Marfranc
- Volunteer to be on the Haiti Committee
- Financially support the St. Mary’s Haiti mission
- Write a check to St. Mary’s with “For Haiti” in the memo line.
- Submit your donation by cash in an envelope – specifying it is “For Haiti”
- Donate online HERE Enter the amount under “Other Payments” where it says “Haiti Support”. Specify the frequency of the donation – one time, weekly, monthly.