Housing Insecurity Among Our Neighbors
On the weekend of April 20/21 our Justice, Peace, and Outreach Commission hosted after-Mass gatherings in the St Joseph room. Affordable housing is a deep concern for many in our community, among them those who, because of a car repair, an unforeseen health problem, or school supply costs that cannot be met, may find themselves without a safe place to stay. Washington County has documented some stories of those whose lives have been upended. Their stories are some you may have heard amongst your own family friends. You can learn more HERE
Habitat for Humanity Summer 2024 Build – Save the Date!
St. Mary of the Lake has been involved in a Habitat for Humanity build for more than 20 years and has participated in building homes in the White Bear Lake area and throughout the Twin Cities. This summer we will be working on a build located at 1408 22nd St E, Minneapolis on July 22-25. Please contact LowAnn Belden at 612-741-2614 or lowannbelden@gmail.com to express your interest in volunteering for this build. After you contact LowAnn, you can then visit https://tinyurl.com/tchabitatbuild to officially sign up. All volunteers must be at least 16 years of age (those 16-17 years old need a chaperone), follow the safety rules outlined on the volunteer website, and commit to working the full day’s shift. We are also looking for volunteers to provide a dish or dessert to share with the volunteers helping at the build this summer. Please let LowAnn know of your interest!