Parish Pastoral Council
What is the Parish Pastoral Council, what do they do and who are its members?
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) counsels with the pastor in the ministerial areas of Sacraments, Worship and Music; Justice, Peace and Outreach; Mission; Faith Formation; Finance and Media and Marketing. As a result of this counsel, PPC members share responsibility for the life and mission of the Church with the pastor.
The PPC provides a means of alignment and connection between the community’s life, needs and vision and the parish’s mission, policies and ministries. The pastor presides over the Parish Pastoral Council. The Council also elects a chairperson who conducts the meetings and a vice chairperson.
The Parish Pastoral Council meets the third Tuesday of each month, except July. Current members of the PPC are below:
Jessica Myran
(Sacraments, Worship and Music)
Bob Thompson
Vice Chairperson
Katie Bowen
(Faith Formation)
Dan Evans
(Justice, Peace & Outreach Commission, JPOC)
Becky Moch
(At-large member, Frassati representative)
Jeff Noren
(At-large member)
Cheryl Rossini
(At-large member)
Deacon Gary Schneider
(Parish Administrator)
Anne Simons
(Media and Marketing)
Registered parishioners interested in attending a PPC meeting should contact the Chairperson with their request. If you’re interested in contacting the PPC, please fill out the form below with your question and/or request.