Prayer Opportunities

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for Adoration in the Notre Dame Chapel after the 8:00 AM Mass until 8:00 PM every Wednesday. The 24-hour reservation chapel is also available for adoration throughout the week for parishioners. Please contact the parish office during office hours for the door code. You will be asked to provide your name.

To sign up for adoration on Wednesdays here or contact Ali Chalupsky at [email protected].


Join others in praying the Rosary, Tuesday through Friday, at 7:30 AM in the Notre Dame Chapel before the 8:00 Mass. Free rosaries are available at the Welcome Desk in the back of the Gathering Space (along with a “How to Pray the Rosary” guide).

Join the parish community in praying a Rosary together on Sunday evenings as well at 7:00 PM. You can join this Zoom rosary starting at 6:45 PM. Click here to join here.

Prayer Network Requests

If you would like to have our prayer network pray for the needs of a loved one, written prayer requests may be put in the box near the baptismal font or you may call your requests into the parish office at 651-429-7771, option 1 or contact Terry Reasoner at 651-429-4972 [email protected].

Mass Intentions

If you would like to have a Mass offered for a loved one, contact the parish office at 651-429,7771, option 1, to set up a date. Parishioners may schedule up to 12 Masses per calendar year. Non-parishioner families can schedule up to 6 Masses per year. The fee for Mass intentions is $7 per Mass, which is an Archdiocesan policy. You can arrange to have a Mass said by stopping at the parish office, mailing in your request, or by emailing your request (and mailing us a check). Please write “Mass Intention” on the memo line.