Senior & Pastoral Ministry
St. Mary of the Lake has a Coordinator of Senior & Pastoral Ministries on staff – contact Kathleen Finn at [email protected] or 651-429-7771, option 1 to get connected to any of these ministries. This role supports the spiritual and social needs of senior parishioners of the parish through a continuum of care approach:
- Communion to the Homebound, to Care Centers & Hospitals – If you or someone you know is unable to come to Mass and would like to receive Communion at home, in a local care center or hospital, please call the Parish Office or email Kathleen Finn at [email protected]. Volunteers are available to bring you Communion and will contact you to schedule a convenient time.
- Memory Care Mass – Every month (switching monthly between St. Odilia’s & St. Mary’s), Memory Care Masses will be offered for those in the parish or community who are interested.
- Dementia/Alzheimer’s Presentations are offered throughout the year (usually once or twice).
- Senior Mass & Luncheon is planned two times each year, in the fall and spring.
- Senior Planning Committee – This group is in charge of putting on the Senior Luncheon held in the spring and fall. They meet four times a year.
- Grief Ministries for all parishioners who suffer a loss of a loved one through death. Ministry of Consolation provides 12-18 months of personal follow-up to families experiencing a death. Companions in Grief is a grief and support series, where ministers of the parish listen and pray with those experiencing the loss of a loved one. This four-week series is offered eight times a year from 4:30-6:00 PM on Thursdays, with locations alternating between St. Mary’s and St. Pius.
- The End-of-Life Seminar, taking place every other year, is presented to educate and provide resources to seniors for end-of-life planning.
- The Prayer Network supports the intentions and special needs of parishioners throughout the year. More info can be found here. Prayer Shawls provide comfort to those in need. The prayer shawl group meets monthly September-May and creates shawls. Rosary Makers spread the joy of the rosary through making and repairing rosaries that are shared with those in the St. Mary’s community and beyond. This group meets monthly Sept-May.
- Senior Housing Resources – Click Here. Many aging adults and their families are unaware of the different care options and programs available to them. One that is growing in popularity with families is assisted living, which is designed to maximize independence and quality of life. Caring’s website provides more specific information on topics like financial support and assisted living options that are available in Minnesota.
- Bridge Club occurs on the fourth Tuesday of the month (September through May, excluding December) at 10:30 AM.
- Anointing of the Sick is available on the first Thursday of each month at the conclusion of the 8:00 AM Mass. Anointing is also available on an on-call basis by calling the main parish number 651-429-7771. An answering service will answer during non-business hours.
Outreach Ministry
St. Mary of the Lake has a Coordinator of Outreach on staff – contact Joanne Kost at [email protected] or 651-429-7771, option 1. This role supports those in the parish and community who are in need of resources (such as with food, gas, housing, bills).
- Please note: we have a limited number of financial resources available. Joanne will help in discerning what we are able to assist with and how frequently.
- Parishioners are invited to donate to our Emergency Assistance Fund throughout the year (on Ash Wednesday, on Thanksgiving Day, by writing “Emergency Assistance” on the memo line of your check, or by donating online here and entering in Emergency Assistance in the “Other” line. Thank you for your generosity!