Serve Our Community

Liturgical Ministries

More than 100 volunteers generously contribute their time to create spiritually fulfilling worship experiences at St. Mary of the Lake. We can’t make it happen without your help.

Welcome Desk Host: Provide welcome and hospitality to new and existing parishioners and those inquiring about joining the parish at the Welcome Desk before and after the weekend Masses.

Weekend Hospitality: Provide hospitality (treats, coffee, and juice) after the weekend Masses on the second weekend of every month.

Funeral Minister: Coordinate Funeral Masses and serve as liturgical minister as needed. 

Church Cleaner: Our Monday morning clean-ups — vacuum, dust, scrub tile, wash windows – create a welcoming worship space. Many hands, light work.

Church Decorating Team: Create an atmosphere of worship in the entire church according to the liturgical seasons. The liturgical environment changes eight times per year.

Church Environment Committee: Prepare for liturgical seasons by creating a tasteful, beautiful worship atmosphere.

Mass Coordinator: Pave the way for a joyous celebration of the Mass by ensuring all ministry positions are filled and all elements of the Mass are prepared.

Projection System Operator: Display our music and prayers on the screens so that all can fully participate in the Mass. Grade 8 to adult.

Usher: Help people find seats, answer questions and pass baskets at the collection of the gifts.  Individuals or families.

Gift Bearer: Bring the gifts to the altar – a symbolic and a moving part of the Mass. All ages are welcome.

Altar Server: Assist Father during Mass. Grade 4 and above.

Sacristan (roadie): Make sure all details are in place for Mass to be celebrated fully and joyfully. Grade 7 and above.

Video Broadcast System Operator: Broadcast the Mass to other areas of the building and record it for cable or our parish YouTube site so that homebound parishioners can remain engaged in the parish.

Eucharistic Minister: With reverence for the Eucharist, share the Body and Blood of Christ with others.  Age 16 and up.

Greeter: Be that kind face and warm greeter to visitors and parishioners alike. Welcome everyone at the door before Masses to create an atmosphere of hospitality.  Individuals or families.

Lector: Those with a gift for proclaiming the Word with reverence and love. Age 16 and up.

Brass Cleaner: Put a shine on our doors! Polish brass handles regularly.

Church Laundry: Provide clean linens for sacramental ministries. Pick up and launder at home.

Sacraments and Worship Committee: This committee works to strengthen and support the total prayer life of the parish.

Get involved by contacting Mary Beth Jambor or call 651-429-7771.


Music Ministry

Music serves the liturgy and music ministers encourage active participation by the assembly uniting us in sung prayer and praise. Join this vibrant ministry and share your musical gifts.

Musician: Participate in ensembles of varying commitment levels. Vocalists and instrumentalists prepare, rehearse, and provide music for scheduled liturgies in a manner that inspires participation by the assembly.

Music Ministry Committee: Support and offer ideas to the Director of Liturgical Music and encourage musical excellence in liturgy.

Get involved by contacting Rebecca Kaup or call 651-429-7771.


Sacramental Preparation Ministries

RCIA Sponsor: Journey with and mentor adults to be baptized into the Catholic faith, Christians to be recalled into the Catholic church or Catholics who have not yet received First Communion or Confirmation through the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA). Meet Sundays at 10:00 AM.

Get involved by contacting Mary Beth Jambor or call 651-429-7771.


Faith Formation Ministries

This past year we welcomed around 85 volunteers to the Faith Formation team. Our goal is to offer programs to parishioners of all ages at various times.

Catechist:  Play a crucial role in shaping the future of young Catholics as a teacher for students grades PreK-8. Share your interest in your faith with parish youth and help them discover their own faith and application to their lives. Catechists serve October through April.

Catechist Assistant: Provide the classroom support that helps catechists guide and develop the faith of our young parishioners.

Substitute Catechist: Fill in for a catechist when needed. You may be called ahead of time of the day of.

Hallway Helper:  Create a secure and safe environment for children, catechists and catechist assistants.

Special Needs Assistant: Give children requiring additional support a helping hand in building their faith.

Service Site Driver: Make sure our students arrive safely at their community service commitments. Driver/background check required.

Liturgy of the Word with Children: Share the weekly scripture and your faith perspectives with grades 1-5 at the 9:00 and 11:00 AM Masses. Adult and middle/high school youth volunteers needed on a rotating six-week schedule.

“Welcoming the Little Ones” Sunday Nursery Program: Lead the lesson plans provided by the coordinator to immerse children in the Lord’s love while parents worship. Available for children ages 1-5 during the 9:00 and 11:00 AM Masses.

Nursery: Parents watch the Mass live on TV while their children play. When “Welcoming the Little Ones” is held, parents can leave children with trained staff.

Vacation Bible School:  Share the Catholic faith with children ages 4-10 during a week in August. Volunteer opportunities for both adults and youth (ages 11+).

Event Chaperone: Provide support to youth as they fulfill their service commitment, working along side them and giving them wisdom when needed.

Childcare Helper: Provide child care for those who need it at events, sacramental prep or other Sunday liturgies.

Gym Supervisor: Monitor the open gym on Wednesday afternoons/evenings.

Faith Formation Committee:  Provide meaningful and enjoyable programs that support the faith formation of children, youth and adults. Create a sense of belonging, drawing awareness to the life-long journey in faith, while fostering an environment of Christian values. Meets monthly.

Get involved by contacting Karlene Feidt or call 651-429-7771.



Mission Ministries include the work of stewardship, discipleship and evangelization. Live your discipleship call and take part in our mission.

Mission Committee: Provides vision and purpose to St. Mary’s discipleship and evangelization initiatives.

Small Group Ministry Team: Plan for and support small groups by helping small group participants enhance their faith experience by leading a group and facilitating meaningful discussion.

Small Faith Sharing Group Leader: Be a facilitator for a small group! The leader keeps conversation moving and facilitates conversations about growing our faith. Facilitation training is provided.

Haiti Mission Minister: Serve the impoverished people of Haiti through traveling to Haiti on Reiser Relief Mission trips.

St. Mary’s Haiti Committee:  Provide oversight and guidance for St. Mary’s Haiti Mission. Ensures that St. Mary’s Haiti Mission has a home in the institutional life of the parish through ongoing communication with parishioners. The committee works closely with Fr. Talbot to support the work of our partners in Haiti.

St. Mary’s Singles Group: Socialize and engage in service projects with other single parishioners. Meets the third Saturday of each month after the 5:00 PM Mass.

Men’s Basketball:  Join other parishioners for fun, exercise and a little bit of competitive activity! Meets most Sundays from 7:00 – 9:00 PM at the Parish Life Center.

Men’s Softball:   Join other parishioners for fun, exercise and a little bit of competitive activity by representing St. Mary’s in the White Bear Lake summer Wednesday church league.

Get involved by contacting Samantha Hagel or call 651-426-7771.

Outreach Ministries

There are 39 Outreach Ministries at St. Mary’s, with a total of 445 volunteers. All ministries welcome new volunteers at all times.

Outreach Ministries Committee: Increase awareness of and provide oversight for existing outreach ministries and develop new ministries as needed.

Communion Minister to the Homebound: Bring Communion weekly to those unable to participate in the Mass. As requested, visit and pray with those receiving the Blessed Sacrament.

Communion Minister for St. John’s Hospital: Bring Communion to patients at St. John’s Hospital on Saturday mornings.  As requested, visit and pray with those receiving the Blessed Sacrament.

Apartment and Care Center Minister: Bring Communion and/or offer Word/Communion services for residents of local senior apartments and care centers in our area. As requested, visit and pray with those receiving the Blessed Sacrament.

Minister with The Gathering: Serve as one-on-one “companions for the day” at this weekly respite program for caregivers of those with early to mid-term memory loss.  The Gathering meets Thursdays and rotates between three White Bear Lake churches.

Minister of Consolation: Provide 12-18 months of personal follow-up to parishioners who have experienced a death in their family.

Companions in Grief Minister: Support grieving persons in a group setting. This four-week series is offered eight times a year from 4:30-6:00 PM on Thursdays, rotating between St. Mary’s and St. Pius X parishes.

Funeral Luncheon Minister: Provide hospitality to and welcome the guests of the family by coordinating the funeral luncheon.

Prayer Shawl Minister: Provide comfort to those in need by knitting and crocheting prayer shawls.  Meets the second Monday of the month at the Parish Life Center.

Senior Connections Minister: Connect with our most senior parishioners at least annually to inform them of parish news, pray with them and listen.  Call list is provided.

Blood Drive Hospitality Minister: Welcome and register donors and ensure they have the food and drink they need after giving blood.  Red Cross blood drives occur annually in the spring and summer.

Loaves and Fishes Minister: Serve dinner to guests at the Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul. Occurs the third Wednesday of each month.

White Bear Food Shelf Minister: Participate in regular or one-time volunteer opportunities at the White Bear Area Emergency Food Shelf.  May serve the second Saturday of each month for “bonus Saturdays.”

A Community Caring for Life (ACCL): Promote a culture of life from conception to natural death through parish education, advocacy and fundraising projects such as the Appalachian Christmas project, Christmas baby layette collection, March for Life, Respect Life tea events and Mother’s Day flower sale (provide support to Pro-Life charities).

Prayer Network Minister: Support the intentions and special needs of parishioners through prayer.

24 Hour Vigil for Life Minister: Pray for the dignity of all human life in the Church’s Blessed Sacrament Chapel from 8:00 AM Fridays through 8:00 AM Saturdays.

Rosary Maker: Spread the joy of the rosary through making and repairing rosaries that are shared with those in the St. Mary’s community and beyond. Meets monthly.  

Senior Programming Committee:  Plan socially and spiritually enriching programs for senior parishioners.

Women’s Bridge Club: Play bridge and enjoy companionship with women from St. Mary’s and other local churches. Occurs the fourth Tuesday of the month (September through May, excluding December) at 10:30 AM.

The Social Justice Committee integrates the Catholic Church’s justice tradition into parish life and supports the following ministries:

Fair Trade Minister: Sell fair trade certified products monthly after Mass and host a fall Fair Trade Bazaar. All proceed benefit Outreach Ministries.

Habitat for Humanity Minister:  Construct and repair new homes for low-income families in our community and provide hospitality for the work crews. Commitment includes one-two weeks in the summers and one-two Saturdays during the year.  Commitment can be one-day only.

Hope for the Journey Home Minister:  Provide hospitality to families experiencing homelessness and staying in this shelter located at Guardian Angels Catholic Church in Oakdale. Volunteers provide meals, play games and engage with families during two hour or overnight shifts. Families welcome to participate!

Human Trafficking Working Group:  Help eradicate human trafficking through education and advocacy.  Support victims of human trafficking through charitable drives for gift cards, personal care items, clothing and backpacks.

Legislative Advocate:  Work with other faith-based organizations to advance the Catholic justice tradition and values in local, state and federal legislation. This typically involves letter writing opportunities and one-two visits to the State Capitol during February and March.

Get involved by contacting Casey Green or call 651-429-7771.


Administrative Ministries

Administrative Ministries provide expert advice and resources to promote all parish ministries and maintain parish assets.

Parish Leadership Council: Advises the Pastor in ministerial areas.  Ensures that the mission and vision of parish is being achieved through the appropriate allocation of resources.

Finance Council: Advise the Pastor in financial matters, including budgets, borrowing, capital campaigns and investments.

Media & Marketing Committee: Advise and create the communication of the parish’s mission and key messages through all appropriate media.

Journalist:  Write articles about parish life and ministries for the Gathering Space e-newsletter.  Role includes conducting interviews and gathering information.

Video Journalist:  Spread the good news of the Gospel with parishioners and other members of the community by videotaping speakers and events.

Mailing Volunteer:  Assemble mailing materials for large parish mailings.

Legacy Committee (not yet formed): Promote planned giving and estate giving to the parish.

Maintenance Committee: Advise the Pastor about the maintenance of parish facilities.

Grounds Assistant:  Help maintain our beautiful parish grounds by planting, weeding, trimming, etc.

Cemetery Committee: Advise the Pastor on matters relating to the cemetery.  Help ensure our cemetery remains a beautiful resting place by determining cemetery guidelines, making improvements to cemetery grounds, maintaining a perpetual care fund and sharing news of the cemetery with parishioners.


Parish fundraising events are opportunities to gather as a community and support specific ministries or parish projects. The Fall Festival is our primary fundraiser for the general operating budget.

Fall Festival:  Be part of the success of this major parish event. Plan and/or staff the event, scheduled over a September weekend.

Summer Concert:  Rock to keep us rolling! Support our August music concert to fund parish maintenance work. Help plan, sell tickets, or staff the event.

Pizza Fundraiser: Sell yummy “Cook it Up” frozen pizzas after Masses on the third Sunday of the month. Proceeds benefit church repairs.

Rummage and Bake Sales:  Support recycling and raise funds for various ministries by volunteering at the fall and spring rummage sales.

Heritage Fest Committee: Plan parish celebrations of ethnic heritages including Irish Fest and Christmas Around the World.

Get involved by contacting Mary Scherping or call 651-429-7771.