This legislation effort at St. Mary’s seeks to help shape the political landscape in our nation, state, and local communities to create a more just and moral environment. As Catholics, we have an obligation to participate dutifully in the political processes in the places in which we reside.

“We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: ‘a good Catholic is not interested in politics.’ This is not true: good Catholics immerse themselves in politics by offering the best of themselves so that the leader can govern.” ~ Pope Francis (September 2013).

Equal Rights Amendment
The proposed language in the ERA would: fail to protect Minnesotans from discrimination based on religion, constitutionally mandate legal abortion up to the moment of birth, and promote harmful gender ideology. Please contact your legislators urging them to include religion in the language of this amendment and share your concerns with them! Send a message to your legislator by clicking here. After your message, please follow up by also calling your legislator! Want to learn more about this amendment or have follow up questions? Visit

August 13 – State Primary

November 5 – Election Day

Prayer for Voters: Come, Holy Spirit, fill our hearts and minds with your truth. Bless us as we prepare to vote. Give us wisdom that we might apply the teaching of our faith to the decisions we make. Endow us with understanding and balance as we discern what is good for our country and its people. Guide us to seek leaders who will follow your will, and may our vote be offered with confidence that your providence will bring prosperity, peace, and justice for all your people. Amen.

With questions or to express your interest in legislation, please reach out to Dan Evans – [email protected].

How to participate:

  • Head to the Capitol once a year for a “Day on the Hill” to meet with your legislators and listen to various committees/hearings.
  • Head to the Capitol for adoration on the first Friday of the month from January to May for any amount of time from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM in the Governor’s Dining Room located on the lower level of the Minnesota State Capitol.
  • Vote when election day(s) arrive!
  • Contact your legislators on a regular basis (by email, video message, social media).
  • Most importantly, join us in prayer!

Educational Resources