Mass Times & Schedules
Daily Mass
8:00 AM on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Saturday Mass
5:00 PM or via Livestream; View livestream HERE.
Sunday Mass
9:00 AM and 11:00 AM.
Daily Mass
8:00 AM on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Saturday Mass
5:00 PM or via Livestream; View livestream HERE.
Sunday Mass
9:00 AM and 11:00 AM.
View Mass Responses and Prayers HERE
Monthly Prayer Request for Priests: March | April | May
View all Present and Previously Recorded Masses Starting September 2019 HERE
View Archived Masses from May 2019 back to September 2010 HERE
There is no set schedule—please see the bulletin for details as the Holy Day approaches.
Christmas Eve Masses: 4 PM, 6 PM and 10 PM
Christmas Day Masses: 9 AM and 11 AM
Holy Thursday Mass: 7 PM
Good Friday Service: 7 PM
Easter Vigil Mass: 8-10 PM
Easter Masses: 7:30 AM, 9 AM, and 11 AM
In order to allow more people an opportunity to have a Mass said for a loved one, we have a policy regarding Mass intentions. Parishioner families may schedule up to 12 Masses per calendar year. Non-parishioner families can schedule up to 6 Masses per year. The fee for having a Mass said is $7, which is an archdiocesan policy. You can arrange to have a Mass said by stopping at the parish office, mailing in your request, or emailing your request and mailing a check. Please write “Mass intention” in the memo line.
The 24 hour Eucharistic adoration chapel at church is open for parishioners. Please call our main number 651-429-7771 during office hours for the three-digit code to get in the chapel. You will be asked to provide your name. There is room for up to two worshipers in the chapel at a time.
What is Eucharistic Adoration?
Anointing of the Sick after 8 AM Mass on the first Thursday of each month
Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent at 5:00 PM
To have a Mass offered for a loved one, call the parish office at 651-429-7771.
Would you like to volunteer at Mass?